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  Vol. 5, Issue 1, February 2025

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Volume 3, Issue 2, October 2023

Minimisation of Leakage Current in Voltage Controlled Grid Connected Inverter
Anushka Dinesh Kadam, Janvi Sanjay Bobhate, Rakhi Raju Rathod, Dipti Krushnarao Sune,
Shreya Vinesh Tayade, Yashasvi Gajanan Rohane, Shivam Ramesh Kadam
Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology Yavatmal, India
Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology, Yavatmal, India

Smart Energy Meter using IoT
Shreyash Gawande and R. M. Gharat
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Carrom Board Game as Pedagogical Model to Know Rutherford Atomic Model
Prasanna B. Ranade, Dinesh N. Navale, Santosh W. Zote, Dnyaneshwar K. Kulal, Swapnil J. Wagh
Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Chembur
PTVA’s Sathaye College (Autonomous), Vile Parle (East), Mumbai, India
Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai, India
R. S. S. Prasarak Mandal’s Nanasaheb Yashvantrao Narayanrao Chavan, AS&C College Chalisgaon

Spam Review Detection Using Machine Learning
Kiran Naik, Kajal Naik, Dipti Kapadi, Devyani More, Prof. Poonam Dholi
Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Center, Eklahare, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

A Study on Different Attacks in VANET
Sonam Kumari, Dr. Harsh Lohiya, Dr Rajendra Singh Kushwah
Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Automatic Machine Learning-Based Epilepsy Detection
Mr. Satish Ukade and Dr. S. K. Sonkar
Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India

Cancer Detection and Recommendation Using Deep Learning
Priyanka Bhagwat Nagargoje and Dr. M. A. Wakchaure
Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India

Phytochemical Evaluation and  in Vitro Anti Cancer Study of Cupressus Semperviren Linn.
Leaves  Extracts
Mr Harshvardhan Suryawanshi, Miss Vishva Kanjiya, Miss Ravina Mali, Mr  Dipak Phalle
Nootan College of Pharmacy, Kavathemahankal, Maharashtra, India

The Composition and Chronicle of the Agni Pura?a: A Brief Study
Dr. Nipam Nath Dev Sarma
Chilarai College, Golakganj, Assam, India

Review on Donation System
Prof. Shital Jade, Ms. Sakshi Babar, Ms. Sakshi Pande, Ms. Gayatri Sanap
Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Therapeutic Potential of Natural Product Derived from Medicinal Plant in the Treatment of
Neurodegenerative Disease
Thorat Nikita Rajendra, Walunj Nikita Kundan, Waphare Nikita Sudam,
Labade Aishwarya Bhaskar, Wavhal Payal Rajendra, Pande Harshada Sandip, R. S. Gaikwad
Samarth Institute of Pharmacy, Belhe, Junnar, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Scientific Research on Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (Rudraksha) for its Medicinal Importance
Labade Aishwarya Bhaskar, Walunj Nikita Kundan, Thorat Nikita Rajendra,
Whaval Payal Rajendra, Pande Harshada Sandip, Dr. Hatapakki Basavarsj.C
Samarth Institute of Pharmacy, Belhe, Junnar, Pune, Maharashtra, India

IoT Based GPS Tracking for Dementia Patient
Prof. Pallavi Gholap, Adesh Wadekar,  Akshay Wale, Suraj Wakale, Rushikesh Waghachaware
Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering, Dumbarwadi, Otur, Maharashtra, India

Identify Type of Lung Infection from Lung Patients X-RAY Image Liveraging Computer Vision
Komal Kokane, Chavanke Sharad, Vaishnavi Avhad, Meghana Badhan, Prof. J. V. Borase
PVG's College of Engineering & S. S. Dhamankar Institute of Management, Nashik, India

An In-Depth Analysis of Nanocomposites
Rakesh Kumar and Dr. Sanjay
Kishan Lal Public College, Rewari and Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu, India

A Review of Natural and Chemical Agricultural Practices and the Implementation of Intelligent Farming Techniques
Shiv Raj Yadav and Dr. Sarita Tiwari
Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu, India

Phytochemical and Pharmacological Analysis of “Semecarpusanacardium” Linn
Dhirendra Prakash and Dr. Alok Sharma
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

Marketing Practices and CSR of India Pharmaceutical Industry
Narendra Prakash and Dr. Sarwan kumar Saini
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

A Statistical and Biological Analysis of Plant Zizyphusjujuba to Explore the Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity
Ratna Gautam and Dr. Komal Lata
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

Preparation and Evaluation of Oral Extended Release Tablet of Ibuprofen for Better Efficacy
Shailendra Sriwastava and Dr. Sangamesh B. Puranik
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

Efficient VLSI Implementation of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for Real-Time Applications
G. R. Kumar and Dr. Ram Mohan Singh Bhadoria
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

A Comparative Review of the Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction, Exploring Variations Between Public and Private Sector Management Approaches
Monika Devi and Dr. Shamim Ahmad
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Surveying New Paradigms in Tissue-Based Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer: Paving the Way for Tailored and Precision Medicine
Anil Kumar Gurjar and Dr. Shivnath Yadav
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Exploring Advanced Feature Selection Methods to Address Dimensionality Challenges in Big Data Processing
Swapna Manuparthi and Dr. Ramesh Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Applications of Self-Supervised Pre-Training in Real-World Sequential Tasks
Rekhadevi Kanyaboina and Dr. Ramesh Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Examining the Human Interpretability of Machine Learning Explanations through User Studies and Perceptual Assessments
Swetha Arra and Dr. Ramesh Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Analyzing the Efficacy of Human Rights Protections for Women in South Asian Countries
Chamkaur Singh and Dr. Seema Rani
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

An In-Depth Analysis of Metallic Ion Doping Strategies for Enhanced Photocurrent in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Sumeet and Dr. Vipin Kumar
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

A Discussion on Maya Angelou's Works Pertaining to Racism, Including A Mention of "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"
Pooja Devi and Dr. Aruna Swami
Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India

Patient Demographics and Health History in the ICKD Research in India
Priya Srivastava and Dr. Savita Sangwan
Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India

Exploring the use of Open Source Software in Libraries: A Review
Teena Kapoor and Dr. Anil Kumar Jharotia
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

An Analysis of the Potential for Organic Dairy Farming in India in the Future
Virendra Kumar Prajapati and Dr. Narendra Singh Gurjar
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

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An Investigation into the Field of Cloud Accounting
Dr. K. Baranidharan, Dr. T. Suganya, R. Pavitha, K. Manoj, A. Akaash, S. Kabildev
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai and Idhaya College for Women, Kumbakonam

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Exploring the Impact of Augmented Reality Overlays on Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual Welding Simulations
Ranjan Kumar and Dr. Prashant Jaggannath Patil
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Impact Investing and its Effectiveness in Fostering Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation
T. Madanna and Dr. Gourav Singal
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Reviewing The Role of Parents in Education: An Extensive Examination of the Literature
Diksha and Dr. Sanjay Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Reviewing The Role of Parents in Education: An Extensive Examination of the Literature
Kuljeet Kaur and Dr. Sanjay Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

The Role of Emotional Competence in Shaping Educational Aspirations Among Elementary School Children
Ritu Rani and Dr. Sanjay Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

A Study of College Students' Political Participation through Social Media Channels
T. Ravinder and Dr. Gyan Prakash Pathak
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Analyzing the Construction Industry's Lean Methods
Jitendra Narayan Vyas and Dr. M. Palanisamy
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

The Correlation between Non-Performing Assets in Selected Indian Banks and their Systemic Impact on the Economy
Samkit H. Shah and Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

Enhancing Concept Map Generation through Machine Learning from Domain-Specific Texts
Mayur Narendra Agrawal and Dr. Kusum Rajawat
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Analysis of Stress Levels in Working Versus Non-Working Women
Shweta Singh and Dr. Naresh Kumar
OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan, India

Impact of Recent Amendments on Criminal Penalties for Religious Offenses in India
Khaleda Rehman and Dr. Sayyad Ismail Nasir
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

An Assessment of the Impact of the Internet on Students Academic Pursuits
V L N Murthy Kamaravapu and Dr. Bir Bhavani
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Developing Cultural Sensitivity Guidelines for Enhanced Team Collaboration
Abdul Lateef and Dr. Shamim Ahmed
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy, Utilization Patterns, and Economic Ramifications of Community Pharmacist-Led Interventions in  Chronic Disease Management through An Umbrella Review
Roohi Naaz Fatima and Dr. Shamim Ahmed
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

An Analytical Study on Improving Communication and Coordination in Equestrian Partnerships
Syed Siddiq Hasan and Dr. Sanjay Kumar
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Impact of Safety Culture on Employee Health and Productivity in the Workplace
Shaik Abdul Samad and Dr. Shamim Ahmed
NIILM University, Kaithal, India

Analyzing the Use of AI in Optimizing Patient Flow within Mental Health Inpatient Facilities: A Review
V.S.H.A Deepak and Dr. Nisha Abhijeet Auti
Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Global Warming and Climate Change : Challenges and Solutions
Dr. Pradeep K. Singh and Satyendra Kumar Srivastav
D.B.S. College, Kanpur, India

Scalable Cloud Deployment and Automation for E-Commerce Platforms Using AWS, Heroku, and Ruby on Rails
Vashudhar Sai Thokala
Independent Researcher

The Role of AI in Automating Farm Machinery: From Planting to Harvesting
Sunit Jana, Rakhi Biswas, Arpit Das, Mrinmoy Pal, Koushik Pal
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

Challenges and Solutions for Data Management in Cloud-Based Environments
Somnath Banerjee
Data Engineer, AMFAM, Madison, USA

Emerging Trends in Financial Fraud Detection: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Risk Management
Naga Ramesh Palakurti
Solution Architect, TCS



DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-13502
DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-13503
DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-13504
DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-13508
DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-13509
DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-13510